Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy January! My Mid-Month Plan For The Rest Of The Month

Happy (belated) New Year!

Well, it's a new year and a busy one at that!  Last year was extremely hectic, and even painful at one point (miscarriages are never fun), and I didn't really achieve any goals that I wanted to achieve.  There were some good moments of course; I'm grateful to have such a wonderful husband, and we did get our first house, so there are good things to balance out the craziness that is life.

I've got high hopes for this new year.  I'm hoping that I'll get pregnant again, I'm hoping we'll have a nice new kitchen within the next few weeks, and I'm hoping I'll be able to read a lot more this year.  Granted, I have some pretty high expectations, but hey!  I'm optimistic.

So here are the goals I'm hoping I'll achieve for 2018:

1. Get In Shape
I'm determined this time!  I've got a subscription with Fitbit Coach, and I'm going to try the 30-day Ab Challenge again.  I'm just plain tired of having my pants feel too tight.

2. Read 80 Books
This was my goal last year too.  I managed 76 books.  So freaking close!  This year, I'm hoping to succeed.  I want at least 12 of these books to be from new authors, and 30 of them to be books from my mountain of a TBR

3. Participate In The National Novel Writing Month Challenge
Ok this is new, and I'm a little shy about announcing this, because part of me is fully aware of how bad I am at completing goals.  But I've had this story idea in my head for years, and I've always wanted to write it down and make a novel of it, although not necessarily for publishing.  I'm really not a writer, and I'm pretty sure this "novel" will be terrible, but writing a story is on my bucket list, and joining NaNoWriMo will maybe help me achieve it.  Here's hoping!

Okay so I've got lots of ambitious plans here.  So far, I've done the exercise and am now supersore.  I've also done a lot of writing on my story idea (you know, write down the premise, flesh out the background a little, figure out the heroine's name, etc.), and now my brain is buzzing.  As for my reading goal, I've completed 2 books already, and I'm currently reading two others, with more planned for the rest of the month!

What I've Read So Far
(Click on the image to read the review)

Books I'm Currently Reading
(click on the image to check it out on Goodreads)

My Planned Reads For The Rest Of January
(click on the image to check it out on Goodreads)

Okay, I'm officially supposed to be leaving for work now.  Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your miscarriage, Lisa. I watched my mother suffer through that pain after miscarrying twins. Good luck with your goals! I also need to shed some weight to get some medical issues in check.
