Monday, January 19, 2015

Hello Monday! Recaps And Goals

It's Monday again!  Happy Monday folks!

Well, it's seems like I'm slowly pulling myself out of my reading slump!  I finished two books this past week, and I'm working on 4 others right now.  I've been trying to schedule some time each day that is just for reading.  It's tricky, but I'm managing it.  Plus, turning off the TV helps a lot.  I've been bingeing too much on my favorite TV shows.  Overall, I may not be reading quickly, but I'm reading!

So, last week, I finished two books that should have been finished weeks ago!  They were both re-reads, but they were needed for the Bibliophile Reading Group's Winter Reading Challenge!  I really am slacking when you compare my score to some of the other participants, but I plan on catching up quick!

Books I've Read Last Week:

So this week, I trying to make up for my slacker habits from the past two weeks by going through 4 books!  Here's the list:

Books I'm Reading This Week:

Well, for now that's it!  Here's hoping that I'll be able to finish these books by next week!
Happy reading everyone!
-Lisa The Dancing Bookworm

1 comment:

  1. Yay Harry Potter! Love that series! Hope you enjoy your reads!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
