It's starting off a little itchy, thanks to the poison ivy incident, but I've had the rash for about a week now, so the itch is finally going down (thank God for meds and calamine lotion!), and I'm feeling optimistic.
My reading didn't pan out so well last month. I binge-watched a lot of TV, and I focused on the house more than I did reading. The good news is that my house is slowly looking the way I want it to look, and I have finally figured out a really good cleaning schedule. Also good is the fact that I made a lot of money teaching dance lessons last month, so I have more than enough to cover the bills (yay!). The bad news is that I only finished five books, most of them on audio in the car.
Here's what I read. Click on the book cover to read the review.
May's Books:
A Whole New World, by Liz Braswell
Date Finished: May 9
My Thoughts: An interested retelling of Disney's Aladdin. It took an unexpected turn at the end, making it a bittersweet story, but I enjoyed it. Not a masterpiece, but certainly something quick.
Side Jobs: Stories From The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher
Date Finished: May 10
My Thoughts: This is a re-read. I had just finished the Dresden Files series, and I didn't want to leave that world just yet, so I listened to this one on audio. As always it didn't disappoint. If you read this, I recommend reading it at least after book #12 of the series (Changes).
Someone, by Ann McDermott
Date Finished: May 17
My Thoughts: This was a BOTM read for the library book club I'm a part of. It was an interesting story of the life of a woman living in New York. The time jumping was a little disorienting at first, but it worked. Overall I really enjoyed it, especially after the book club discussion. Great for your next BOTM read.
Cybele's Secret (Wildwood Dancing #2), by Juliet Marillier
Date Finished: May 19
My Thoughts: I read this on a whim. I didn't realize it was a sequel until I had already started it, but it didn't really detract from the story. It was an okay YA novel, with the usual love triangle and it's miscommunicating lovers. The quest was also a little weird, but it was nevertheless an interesting story. Not Marillier's best work, but still good.

His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire #1), by Naomi Novik
Date Finished: May 27
My Thoughts: Another re-read that has now officially become a favorite. Who can not love Temeraire the dragon?! It's a fun and fascinating story that explores what our history would have been like if dragons existed. I found it extremely entertaining from an anthropological point of view. Definitely continuing the series over the next month.
So, not as bad as it could have been, but I still want to read more this month. I have an ambitious reading schedule for June: Twelve books. Yup, twelve.
I'm hoping to complete four books every ten days. It's a little extreme, especially since at least one book is going to be tough, but I'm ready to try.
June Reading Schedule:
June 1-10
Books #2 and 3 of the Temeraire series. My audiobook reads.
I'm still working on it from last month. I'm enjoying it, but it's small print with no real chapter stops, so it's a little hard to read in short sittings. But I'm determine to finish quickly.
Okay, this one is taking forever. At this point, I feel like I'm in a marathon. It's going to be hard to finish in ten days time, but I really want to finish this soon. It's just so darn depressing!
June 11-20
The next two books in the Temeraire series. Should be fairly quick audiobooks.
This is a BOTM read. I feel bad because I haven't read a BOTM for this book group in a while, so I going to read this one, especially since there's a summer reading challenge involved.
Another BOTM read, this time for the library book club. It's the last meeting before it takes a two-month summer hiatus, so I don't want to miss out.
June 21-30
The next two audiobooks in the series. I'll be almost done before the month is out.
This is for a BOTM tag for another book club. A short read, so it should be fairly easy to accomplish.
Another BOTM for yet another book club (yeah, I'm all about the book clubs this month). I'm hoping my husband will read it with me. We've been meaning to read this together for a little while.
Okay, enough talk, time for action! If I want to read all of these books before my birthday (June 30), I'd better get started. Happy reading everyone!
I love your goals! I've been in a reading slump so I haven't really been reading as much as I use to. I think 4 books every ten days is a good start. I hope you are able to accomplish it! I've never heard of any of the books on your TBR except for one of the ones you read in May, A Whole New World. It's been on my shelf for a while I just haven't picked it up.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful June and I hope you can accomplish your goal!
Tina @ As Told By Tina
Thanks Tina! So far, my TBR is a mix of classic, contemporary, and fantasy. It's the only way I can manage 2 or 3 books at a time, otherwise the stories mix together. A Whole New World starts out slow, but gets better once the "twist" happens.