Friday, June 2, 2017

A New Summer Reading Challenge!!!

The Bibliophile Reading Group's Summer Reading Challenge is finally here!

BRG's 2017 Road Trip Summer Reading Challenge

I've been eagerly anticipating this challenge for months.  Months!

I first joined this online group years ago because it had been doing a summer reading challenge at the time.  Every year (except last year) there's a summer reading challenge and a winter reading challenge.  Sometimes it's categorical, and sometimes it's point-based.

This summer it seems to be mileage-based!

Here are the rules:

  • The books have to take place 100% in the United States.
  • You have to read at least one BOTM throughout the months of June, July, and August, and participate in the discussion questions
  • A book can take place in more than one state, but the state only counts if at least one whole chapter takes place in that state.
  • The number of pages= the number of miles traveled.  For an audiobook, 2 minutes= 1 mile.
  • The book has to be a minimum of 50 pages (100 minutes on audio).  Graphic novels and picture books do not count.
  • There will be random "detours" along the way; mini challenges that are optional to take, where you would be awarded extra raffle entries.

There will be 3 winners (only one prize for winner):

  • the person who read the most miles
  • the person who visited the most number of states
  • the person who was chosen by raffle (must have read at least 600 miles)
The challenge runs from June 1st to August 31st and I am raring to go!  The books I'm currently reading can't count because I began them before the challenge started (damn), but some of the other books I'm planning on reading this month should definitely count.

Are you interested?  Do you want to play to?  Join the club!  Here are some of the links you can check out:

Whoo-hoo!  Of to do some reading!


  1. Yay!!!! Hey, I like the way you paraphrased the rules. I might have to steal it. lol
