This week, like all the others, I only finished one book: Children Of The Storm, by Elizabeth Peters.
For my book review, click here.
For book details, click here.
I'm now reading the next installment of the Amelia Peabody series, and I'm going to try and finish The Magicians tonight! There are two other books I need to try and read as well: City Of The Beasts and Thunder Rides A Black Horse.
Books I'm Currently Reading:
For Book Details, Click Here.
For Book Details, Click Here.
Books I'm Going To Read Next:
This one is for a summer reading challenge that ends on the 31st.
For a link to the challenge, click here.
For Book Details, Click Here.

This is for the same summer challenge as above. I need to read a book with photographs in it by the 25th, and this is the shortest one I have on hand. I read this for an anthropology class back in college and really like it.
For Book Details, Click Here.
So why am I so slow on my reading? Simple. I was too busy with ballroom dancing. I'm creating a new blog/website for ballroom dancers so they can have easier access to dance classes, workshops, and social events. The problem is, there's a lot of information to process and post, so I'm constantly trying to organize and write stuff down. The plan is to launch the site in September, so I'm hard at work!
Well, here's to hoping that I can finish at least 5 more books before August is out!
-Lisa The Dancing Bookworm
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